Voice Dialogue is a Gestalt-based therapy developed by Hal and Sidra Stone. Their powerful therapy introduces you to key archetypal sub-personalities that we each constellate in some form in our unconscious reality.
As a person you have many aspects to your nature which can evoke different identities, depending on the presenting dynamics. Voice Dialogue refers to the technique and theoretical structure which allows you to experience and integrate many facets in your psyche, including your shadow or disowned selves.
The technique creates a dialogue with different parts of your personality. This process enables you to become more conscious of which selves, with their rule systems have been dominant in your life, and how these can affect your health.
As a client, you are taught and shown how you use certain bonding patterns in relationship. This enables you to unhook from those selves and you can begin to explore your opposites to bring your consciousness into balance, and to enter into relationships consciously rather than unconsciously.
Voice Dialogue is used by our therapists at the Energetics Institute and can help with the following:
- Discover and understand yourself, and others, at an ever-deepening level.
- Realise your psyche is made up of many parts, many sub-personalities.
- Increase the depth of communication between yourself and others.
- More easily resolve problems in relationships.
- Awaken new levels of intimacy and heart connection.
- Develop an “Aware Ego”, a more conscious way of using your personality.
- Bring to awareness the disowned or shadow parts of your psyche.
- Dissolve autonomic patterns of behaviour.
- Have a far greater range of choices in every area of your life.
- Unlock from either positive or negative bonding patterns, which means the way people link together. Positive bonding patterns tend to destroy intimacy and sexuality, negative bonding patterns bring the destruction of the relationship.
- Gain insights into common psychological traps if you are involved in spiritual or personal development.
- Develop new and unexpected creative talents in your career, the arts, sports, wealth creation, inventions and lifestyle.
- Realise the connection of your mind and body and its effect on your health.
- Explore your unconscious and bring it to consciousness.