FIFO is well known for putting strain on The 7 Elements That Define an Intimate Relationship. The Impact of Fly-In-Fly-Out on Couples Relationships is large. In WA this is a big issue as so many FIFO workers exist. Whether it’s to set oneself up financially for years to come or to pay off debts, a FIFO job can be incredibly beneficial, especially if you are in a relationship. But not all couples can withstand the repetitive work schedule, and they may develop harmful coping mechanisms. Luckily, you and your significant other don’t have to deal with FIFO relationship problems forever.
Despite the financial benefits of a fly-in-fly-out job, the stress and isolation of the lifestyle can wreak havoc on even the strongest couple’s relationship. FIFO workers depression treatment can be an excellent solution to mitigate the mental health damages and help avoid FIFO relationship problems. It can also be helpful to understand the impacts of fly-in fly-out on couples’ relationships to navigate the subsequent issues better.
Challenges of Fly-In-Fly-Out on Couples Relationships
FIFO workers and their partners often struggle to deal with the “FIFO lifestyle”, FIFO relationship statistics show no substantial connection between higher or lower divorce rates. For many FIFO workers, relationships can be successful if they remain healthy. However, the many effects a FIFO career has on each individual can cause issues leading to the relationship’s end, especially if there are pre-existing problems.
While some FIFO couples may benefit from the distance, it can create more problems for others. Stress, pressure, space, and isolation can all contribute.
A FIFO worker may suffer from the following challenges while at the worksite:
- Dealing with isolation and long workdays
- The ability to maintain positive mental health
- Using drugs or alcohol to cope with stress and sleep problems
- Coping with the stress of being away from your partner
- Extended recovery times from hard labour
- Prioritizing how to spend time
- Discuss mental health problems
FIFO workers are under significant pressure from their career and their partner at home. They need to have enough time to get adequate sleep, practice self-care, and communicate with their partner at home.
However, this can be a challenge. They may use substances to cope with the pressure or prioritize recovery over spending time with their partner when home. The frustrations these coping methods create can be detrimental to a couples’ relationship.
While the partner at home gets to reap the financial benefit of their partner’s job, they too deal with struggles. For a FIFO wife, depression is common. Living without their partner for an extended time can be isolating due to the distance and schedule conflicts.
Taking responsibility for all aspects of the home can also be tricky, especially with children. The partner staying home must also deal with tasks the other partner usually handles. The stress of making significant decisions without the FIFO partner’s assistance can be overwhelming.
When the FIFO partner comes home, scheduling conflicts can increase tension. The FIFO partner may want to spend time with family, but the other partner may have prior commitments.
Both partners face similar challenges, such as missing important events in each other’s lives when the FIFO partner is away. The distance and long hours may also lead to both partners struggling to feel connected and can cause intimacy problems. Communicating regularly can remedy these feelings, but the hard labour and long hours can make communication a challenge.
Overcoming FIFO Family Problems
The long distance commuting of FIFO relationships can cause significant issues between partners and in fifo families. Overcoming these problems is essential to maintaining your relationship. Perth FIFO Counselling can help you successfully navigate your FIFO relationship problems.
The biggest hurdles to overcome when it comes to FIFO family problems are:
- Communication breakdowns
- Issues with how partners spend their time
- Intimacy problems
Navigating Communication Problems
It’s tough to maintain communication with a FIFO partner. Remote locations, long work hours, and conflicts with the at-home partner’s schedule make communication difficult. Without regular contact, couples can feel abandoned and unsupported.
Staying connected helps couples feel less alone. Using different forms of communication is effective in maintaining a long-distance connection. Technology allows couples to have phone and video calls or send text messages, but letters and packages can be equally meaningful and endearing.
It’s helpful to ensure you’ll agree on how to manage the home. If disagreements arise, knowing how to deal with sensitive topics ahead of time will help reduce arguments. Working as a team is vital to stay connected.
Simultaneously, each partner should be mindful of their individuality outside of the relationship.
It’s crucial to solve communication problems together and not hold high expectations. Physically demanding FIFO jobs are tiring, stressful, and lonely, making daily communication difficult. However, don’t let these disadvantages be an excuse for cheating or other bad behaviour.
Priorities Regarding Time Spent
While long hours are standard for a FIFO job, many workers have free weekends. What a FIFO partner does while away from their partner can cause concerns for the at-home party. They may fear their FIFO husband is cheating or using drugs during their free time.
Couples should discuss their priorities to establish how they spend their time. Set clear boundaries and delegate home responsibilities fairly between partners. Even if you don’t agree on some aspects, understanding each other’s priorities can make a big difference in preventing arguments.
Problems can arise when partners hold certain expectations. For a FIFO worker, this can create more pressure at home. Discussing how you’ll operate individually and as a couple during off time will mitigate stress and allow each partner to spend time together and get what they both want.
FIFO partners need substantial recovery time, but at-home partners may want to spend all their time together. Parties should compromise to find a harmonious balance.
Dealing with FIFO Intimacy Challenges
Between little time spent together and differing sex drives, couples in FIFO relationships can struggle with intimacy. Challenges while working can lead to further struggles at home. Tackling intimacy issues will help FIFO couples feel satisfied and connected again.
Maintaining intimacy through regular communication can help keep the spark alive while on the road. Couples can achieve intimacy without physical touch, whether it’s a gift at your door or a text message. Knowing your partner’s love language can help you effectively communicate your love and desire.
It may be easy to disconnect from your partner emotionally while separated, but this can lead to infidelity and further FIFO relationship problems. Resolving problems before going to the bedroom will remove insecurity, anger, and other negative feelings built up from time apart. Honest, open communication is vital in addressing intimacy problems.
Keeping FIFO Relationships Alive
Keeping FIFO relationships alive and healthy requires more work than the average relationship, but the rewards can be satisfying. Committed partners can succeed in FIFO relationships with the proper coping mechanisms, clear communication, and professional advice. The following tips can help you maintain your relationship despite the struggles of FIFO.
Prioritize the Relationship
Although spending time with your children and loved ones is necessary at home, spending time with your spouse is just as important. Make time to spend with your spouse but allow them their own leisure time as well. While enjoying your downtime with someone else may be exciting, consider your partner’s boundaries and respect them.
Address the Most Significant Issues
Communication issues, problems with spending time together, and intimacy challenges are the crux of FIFO relationships problems — couples should resolve these problems first. You should maintain open communication and schedule realistic plans for spending time together. Intimacy is essential even in long-distance relationships.
These issues can evolve quickly, especially when consistent communication is difficult to achieve. By addressing the most significant problems first, you can dedicate more time to the relationship instead of arguing. A counsellor in Perth can help you tackle the most common relationship issues and develop healthy coping skills.
Create a Timeline for Goals
For temporary FIFO arrangements, having a timeline can help both partners stay encouraged. Because many couples choose FIFO to prepare for the future, setting goals is effective for ensuring progress. Whether you plan to invest your money or buy a house, having a timeline of your efforts can help remind you of the benefits.
Setting individual goals and joint goals can help both partners see the benefit of working away despite the negative impact. Couples should agree on mutual goals and form a strategy to end temporary FIFO work arrangements positively.
Stay Organized and Plan Strategically
FIFO workers miss significant portions of their family’s lives while working. The demanding nature of FIFO jobs means workers struggle with energy and require recovery that can prevent them from being present in their loved ones’ lives. Luckily, today’s technology allows couples to attend events via video call to avoid missing important happenings.
A significant problem couples face with FIFO relationships is learning to organize and plan accordingly. Without proper planning, couples’ schedules can conflict. Special events and family endeavours can also be more challenging to coordinate with the new lifestyle.
Seeking out professional mental health services
Are you struggling with FIFO relationship problems? The counselling professionals at the Energetics Institute in Perth, Western Australia, can provide FIFO relationship advice through individualized, empathetic counselling and couple counselling. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for Relationship Counselling in Perth today.